Friday, April 24, 2015

4-11-15 NORO virus

I got up this morning and I was sick to my stomach so I broke down camp and started my day hoping it would pass. I made it to the highway crossing at Sam's Gap and saw a small sign that read "go up hill for breakfast". I thought maybe some food would help my stomach and went to check it out . At the top of the hill there was an elderly man of about 70 who had set up a propane skillet on a table and a few chairs , when he saw me he said " have a seat ,would you like eggs and hash browns?" I said " yes sir please" and he cooked them for me, he also offered me oranges, soda and homemade pistachio muffins which I gladly accepted. I sat and watched the sunrise with him and he told me he was a trail maintainer for the 40 mile section I just hiked through. After some interesting conversation and thanking him for breakfast as well as his service on the trail I continued on my journey. After the highway the trail went up in elevation for several miles and my stomach got worse as the morning wore on. Several time I was forced to stop and sit for a while and let the pain pass and I wasn't making much headway. It seemed the food I ate would not go down and I couldn't drink much water, at that point I realized I had gotten the NORO virus and I started looking for a spot to sleep it off. The virus causes inflammation of the intestines, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain. I was able to keep from vomiting but I could not hike very far. Fortunately I found a flat spot on a side trail with a small spring and a fire ring with stacked dry fire wood nearby. My air mattress had gotten a pin hole in it and I slept on the hard ground for 12 hours tossing and turning ... I lost enough weight during the trip that my hips and lower back are uncomfortable on a hard surface. Maybe Tomorrow will be a better day....... 

1 comment:

  1. There are a few viruses that can cause "stomach bugs" with those symptoms. Noro is the worst & can remain active on objects up to 2 weeks. The good thing is you can't re-infect yourself, but you can pass it to someone. I doubt you're sharing your water bottle or whatever, but you might want to boil anything that you can. Just went through this with Kairi, i'm sure being out in the wilderness makes it suck even more but having a 10 month old puke all over you is a close second!
